Adapting Fisheries Management to a Changing Ecosystem
The Scientific Coordination Subcommittee will convene the 7th national meeting of the Scientific Coordination Subcommittee (SCS7) in person this summer. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council will host this meeting August 15-17, 2022 in Sitka, Alaska, in the Harrigan Centennial Hall. The meeting addresses various aspects of Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management (EBFM), focusing on ecosystem indicators, multi-species modeling, and addressing distributional shifts in managed stocks. The three primary themes of this meeting are:
- How to incorporate ecosystem indicators into the stock assessment process?
- Developing information to support management of interacting species in consideration of EBFM.
- How to assess and develop fishing level recommendations for species exhibiting distributional changes?
The SCS7 Steering Committee has selected a diverse group of keynote speakers for each session, as well as a variety case studies to represent the issues being addressed across all Council regions. Moderated discussions will occur within each session. The NPFMC and the Steering Committee will produce digital proceedings in early 2023.

Each Council will send 2 official SSC delegates plus a staff member (or 3 SSC members). The NPFMC (with $57,000 funding support from NMFS) will cover travel costs for up to 3 (non-federal) persons from each Council. Additional SSC members or staff may attend on their own funding. We have room blocks in two hotels with rates of $175-183/night. A registration link has been made available to all SSC representatives on the Steering Committee to share with their region. An evening event/reception is planned.
Dr Anne Hollowed (AFSC retired, and former NPFMC SSC Chair) will chair the workshop. The meeting will be occur over the three days as a continuous plenary session, without breakout sessions. The meeting will be streamed for the public (listen-only mode).
The meeting is open to the public and an FR notice will be submitted for the meeting. More information will be posted well in advance of the meeting on www.fisherycouncils.org. Click here for the current Agenda.
The primary NPFMC staff contact is Dr. Diana Stram (Diana.Stram@noaa.gov).