Acronym | Abbreviation Meaning |
A | |
AAC | Alaska Administrative Code |
ABC | Acceptable biological catch |
ABM | Abundance-Based Management |
ACA | Adak Community Allocation |
ACEPO | Annual Community Engagement and Participation Overview |
ACL | Annual Catch Limit |
ACLIM | Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling |
ACT | Annual Catch Target |
ADF&G | Alaska Department of Fish and Game |
ADP | Annual Deployment Plan |
AEQ | Adult equivalent |
AFA | American Fisheries Act |
AFSC | Alaska Fisheries Science Center |
AFS | American Fisheries Society |
AI | Aleutian Islands |
AK BOF | Alaska Board of Fisheries |
AKFIN | Alaska Fisheries Information Network |
AKR | Alaska Region |
AKRO | Alaska Regional Office |
Alts | Alternatives |
ANCSA | Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act |
ANILCA | Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act |
ANPR | Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
ANS | Amounts Reasonably Necessary for Subsistence |
AP | Advisory Panel |
B | |
B | Biomass |
BASIS | Bering Sea-Aleutian Salmon International Survey |
BBR | Bristol Bay Red King Crab |
BBRKC | Bristol Bay Red King Crab |
BEG | Biological escapement goal |
BiOp | Biological Opinion |
BMSY | biomass that enables a fish stock to deliver maximum sustainable yield |
BKC | Blue King Crab |
BOF | Board of Fish |
BRD | Bycatch Reduction Device |
BSAI | Â Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands |
BSIA | Best Scientific Information Available |
BSFRF | Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation |
BSIERP | Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program |
BSS | Bering Sea Snow Crab |
BST | Bering Sea Tanner Crab |
C | |
C Shares | Crew quota share (CVC or CPC) |
CADF | Catch accounting and data forwarding |
CAS | Catch Accounting System |
CCC | Council Coordination Committee |
CCL | Combined Catch Limit |
CCTF | Climate Change Task Force |
CDQ | Community Development Quota |
CEC | Community Engagement Committee |
CEFI | Climate, Ecosystem, and Fisheries Initiative |
CEQ | Council on Environmental Quality |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFEC | Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission |
CG | Central Gulf of Alaska |
CGOA | Central Gulf of Alaska |
CH | Critical Habitat |
CI | confidence interval |
CIE | Center for Independent Experts |
COAR | Commercial Operators Annual Report |
COBLZ | C. opilio Bycatch Limitation Zone |
Council | North Pacific Fishery Management Council |
CM | Catch Monitor |
CMCP | Catch Monitoring Control Plan |
Cmte | Committee |
CMOD | Council Member Ongoing Development |
CP | Catcher/processor |
CPC | Catcher Processor Crew (quota share) |
CPO | Catcher processor owner (quota share) |
CPT | Crab Plan Team |
CR | Crab Rationalization |
CRS | Climate Readiness Synthesis |
CSP | Catch Sharing Plan |
CQE | Community Quota Entity |
CVC | Catcher Vessel Crew (quota share) |
CV | Catcher vessel |
CVO | Catcher Vessel Owner |
CVOA | Catcher vessel operational area |
CWT | Coded-wire tag |
D | |
DEIS | Draft Environmental Impact Statement |
DMR | Discard Mortality Rate |
DPS | Distinct population segment |
DSR | Demersal Shelf Rockfish |
E | |
E.O. | Executive Order |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EAFG | Ecosystem approach to fisheries management |
EAG | Eastern Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab |
EBM | Ecosystem-based management |
EAM | Ecosystem approach to management |
EBFM | Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management |
EBS | Eastern Bering Sea |
EBT | Eastern Bering Sea Tanner Crab |
ECO | Ecosystem Committee |
EDR | Economic Data Reporting |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EFH | Essential Fish Habitat |
EFP | Exempted Fishing Permit |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EM | Electronic monitoring |
EMC | Electronic Monitoring Committee |
EO | Executive Order |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
ESP | Ecological and Socioeconomic Profile |
ESSR | Economic and Social Sciences Research |
ESR | Ecosystem Status Report |
ESU | Evolutionary Significant Unit |
F | |
FATE | Fisheries and the Environment |
FEIS | Final Environmental Impact Statement |
FEP | Fishery Ecosystem Plan |
FE | Fishery Evaluation |
FFP | Federal Fisheries Permit |
FLL | Freezer longliner |
FMA | AFSC Fisheries Monitoring and Analysis Division (aka the Observer Program) |
FMAC | Fishery Monitoring Advisory Committee |
FMP | Fishery Management Plan |
FONSI | Finding of No Significant Impact |
FR | Federal Register |
FRFA | Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis |
G | |
gfish | Groundfish |
GHL | Guideline Harvest Level |
GKC | Golden King Crab |
GOA | Gulf of Alaska |
GOACLIM | Gulf of Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Project |
H | |
HAL | Hook and Line |
HAPC | Habitat Areas of Particular Concern |
HDS | Halibut Deck Sorting |
HWG | Habitat Working Group |
I | |
IAD | Initial Administration Determination |
IBA | Individual Bycatch Accounting |
IBQ | Individual Bycatch Quota |
ICA | Inter-cooperative Agreements |
ICC | Intergovernmental Consultive Committee |
ID | Identification |
IFQ | Individual Fishing Quota |
IPA | Incentive Plan (Program) Agreements |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPHC | International Pacific Halibut Commission |
IPQ | Individual Processor Quotas |
IQF | Individually quick frozen |
IRA | Inflation Reduction Act |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
IRFA | Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis |
IRIU | Improved retention/improved utilization |
J | |
JAM | Jeopardy or adverse modification |
K | |
KTC | King and Tanner Crab |
L | |
LAPP | Limited Access Privilege Program |
LAMP | Local Area Management Plan |
LEI | Long-term effect index |
LK | Local Knowledge |
LKTKS | Local Knowledge, Traditional Knowledge, and Subsistance |
LLP | License limitation program |
LOA | Length overall |
M | |
m | Meter or meters |
MBTA | Migratory Bird Treaty Act |
MCA | Maximum Commerce Amount |
MFMT | Maximum Fish Mortality Threshold |
MMB | Mature male biomass |
MMPA | Marine Mammal Protection Act |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPA | Marine Protected Area |
MRA | Maximum Retainable Amount |
MREP | Marine Resource Education Program |
MRFSS | Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistical Survey |
MRSAM | Multi-Regional Social Accounting Matrix |
MSA | Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act |
MSE | Management Strategy Evaluation |
MSST | Minimum stock size threshold |
MSY | Maximum sustainable yield |
mt | Metric ton |
N | |
NAICS | North American Industry Classification System |
NAO | NOAA Administrative Order |
NBBTA | Northern Bristol Bay Trawl Area |
NBSRA | Northern Bering Sea Research Area |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
nm | Nautical miles |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOI | Notice of Intent |
NOVA | Notice of Violation and Assessment |
NPAFC | North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission |
NPFMC | North Pacific Fishery Management Council |
NPPSD | North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database |
NPRB | North Pacific Research Board |
NRC | National Research Council |
NRDC | Natural Resources Defense Council |
NSRKC | Norton Sound Red King Crab |
OCEM | other effective area-based conservation measures |
O | |
OP | North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program |
OFL | Over Fishing Limit |
OECM | other effective area-based conservation measures |
OEG | Optimal escapement goal |
OLE | Office of Law Enforcement |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OROX | Other Rockfish complex |
OY | Optimum Yield |
P | |
PA | Preferred Alternative |
PBR | Potential biological removal |
PCFMAC | Partial Coverage Fishery Monitoring Advisory Committee |
PCTC | Pacific Cod Trawl Cooperative |
PEEC | Preview of Economic and Ecological Conditions |
PEIS | Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement |
PIBKC | Pribilof Island Blue King Crab |
PIG | Pribilof Islands Golden King Crab |
PIGKC | Pribilof Island Golden King Crab |
PIK | Pribilof Islands Red King Crab |
PIHCZ | Pribilof Islands Habitat Conservation Zone |
PIRKC | Pribilof Islands Red King Crab |
PNCIAC | Pacific Northwest Crab Industry Advisory Committee |
POP | Pacific ocean perch |
PPA | Preliminary preferred alternative |
PQS | Processor Quota Share |
PRA | Paperwork Reduction Act |
PSC | Prohibited Species Catch |
PSEIS | Programmatic Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement |
PSMFC | Pacific States Marines Fisheries Commission |
PT | Plan Team |
PWS | Prince William Sound |
Q | |
QS | Quota Share |
R | |
RA | Regional Administrator |
RAC | Regional Advisory Council (USFWS) |
RAM | Restricted Access Management |
RAP | Regional Action Plan |
RCR | Registered Crab Receiver |
RE/BS | Rougheye/Blackspotted Rockfish |
REFM | Resource Ecology Fisheries Management |
RFA | Regulatory Flexibility Act |
RFFA | Reasonably foreseeable future action |
RHS | Rolling Hotspot Closure System |
RFI | Request for information |
RFP | Request for Proposals |
RIR | Regulatory Impact Review |
RKC | Red King Crab |
ROFR | Right of First Refusal |
RPA | Reasonable and prudent alternative |
RQE | Recreational Quota Entity |
RSW | Refrigerated seawater |
S | |
SAFE | Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation |
SAR | Stock Assessment Report |
SBA | Small Business Act |
SBRM | Standard Bycatch Reporting Methodology |
SCAA | Statistical Catch at Age Analysis |
SCS | Scientific Coordination Subcommittee of the Regional Fishery Management Council Coordination Committee |
SDC | Status determination criteria |
SEO | Southeast Outside |
SDM | Species Distribution Model |
SOC | Secretary of Commerce |
SEG | Sustainable escapement goal |
SET | Sustainable escapement threshold |
SFA | Sustainable Fisheries Act |
SIA | Social Impact Assessment |
SIR | Supplemental Information Report |
SMB | St. Matthew Island Blue King Crab |
SMBKC | St. Matthews Blue King Crab |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism |
SPLASH | Structure of Populations, Levels of Abundance, and Status of Humpbacks |
SPR | Spawning Potential Ratio |
spp | species (plural) |
SRKW | Southern resident killer whales |
SSB | Spawning Stock Biomass |
SSC | Scientific and Statistical Committee |
SSFP | Sustainable Salmon Fisheries Policy |
SSL | Steller sea lion |
SSM | Single-species management |
STAR | Stock Assessment Review |
SW | Southwest |
T | |
TAC | Total Allowable Catch |
TK | Traditional Knowledge |
TLA | Trawl Limited Access |
TLAS | Trawl Limited Access Sector |
TRP | Take Reduction Plan |
U | |
UFM | Unobserved Fishing Mortality |
UFMWG | Unobserved Fishing Mortality Work Group |
UME | Unusual Mortality Event |
U.S. | United States of America |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USFWS | United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
USGS | United States Geological Service |
V | |
VPA | Virtual Population Analysis |
VTR | Vessel Trip Report |
VTS | Vessel Tracking System |
VMS | Vessel Monitoring System |
W | |
W | West |
WAG | Western Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab |
WAI | Western Aleutian Islands (Adak) Red King Crab |
WAK | Western Alaska |
WAG | Western Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab |
WBT | Western Bering Sea Tanner Crab |
WG | Western Gulf of Alaska |
WGOA | Western Gulf of Alaska |
WY | West Yakutat reporting area |
WPUE | Weight per unit effort |
Y | |
YFS | Yellowfin sole |
YPR | Yield Per Recruit |
Z | |
ZMRG | Zero Mortality Rate Goal |
specs | harvest specifications |