9/17/2024 NPFMC Letter on Research Priorities
9/11/2024 Ms. Coit Response letter to NPFMC re survey funding
8/02/2024 NMFS response letter to NPFMC re Observer Funds
7/30/2024 NPFMC comments on EBFM Road Map
7/23/2024 NPFMC letter to NOAA re fishing funds for the Alaska Observer Program
6/27/2024 NPFMC letter to Ms. Coit re survey funding
4/24/2024 NPFMC Comments on Revising the Regulations Governing Confidentiality
4/08/2024 Seven Council letter to Federal Subsistence Board re Bycatch
3/28/2024 Regional Management Council funding letter to NMFS
2/16/2024 Letter to NMFS to begin Secretarial Review on Amendments 54 and 55 of the Crab FMP
1/12/2024 Letter to NMFS to begin Secretarial Review of BSAI FMP Amendment 126 and GOA FMP Amendment 114
Other letters of interest
11/01/2023 Letter of thanks and support to the USCG and recognizing efforts of HYDIROPAC
10/16/2023 Letter of support for Electronic Monitoring National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Proposals
August 30, 2023
- 08/30/2023 NPFMC comment letter on Technical Guidance for Estimating Status Determination Reference Points and their Proxies in accordance with the National Standard 1 Guidelines
- 08/21/2023 NPFMC comments on the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) for potential changes to the NMFS guidelines for National Standards 4, 8, and 9
- 08/19/2023 NOAA’s National Seafood Strategy
- 08/11/2023 NPFMC comment letter on the Draft Conservation Plan for the Eastern Pacific Stock of Northern Fur Seal
- 08/02/2023 NMFS response letter on request for extension of comment period
- 06/14/2023 NPFMC letter requesting an extension of the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) comment period
January 4, 2023
- 12/21/2022 Letter to Assistant Administrator, NOAA Fisheries supporting Trawl Electronic Monitoring
- 11/18/2022 Letter to Climate Program Office, NOAA Fisheries supporting ACLIM
- 11/18/2022 Letter to Climate Program Office, NOAA Fisheries supporting ACLIM
- 10/25/2022 Comment Letter to Recreational Fisheries, NOAA Office of Management and Budget, Saltwater Recreational Policy
- 9/12/2022 Letter to NPFMC noting Mr. Steve Williams as ODFW Designee
August 31, 2022
- NPFMC letter to Ms. Coit re NMFS Draft Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy
- NPFMC thank you letter to Kawerak re listening session in Nome and Unalakleet
- NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries response letter to NPFMC
- Letter from coalition of federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations to Mr. Kurland and Dr. Foy re NMFS Tribal consultation
- CCC request letter to NOAA re IRA funds in data collection for marine fishery stock assessments
July 13, 2022
- NPFMC comment letter re Wind Energy Survey Mitigation Strategy
- NPFMC letter to AFSC re BSIA Framework
- NPFMC support letter to NFWF re EM proposals
- NPFMC support letter re Marine Resource Education Program Update
- NPFMC comment letter re Climate Science Regional Action Plans
- NPFMC thank you letter to USCG re Operation North Pacific Guard
- NPFMC thank you letter to Assistant Administrator Ms. Coit
- NPFMC letter to NOAA ONMS re Alaĝum Kanuux̂ as a National Marine Sanctuary
March 1, 2022
- U.S. Regional Fishery Management Councils CCC comment letter to DOI re Conservation Atlas
- NPFMC comment letter to DOI re Conservation Atlas
- NOAA response letter to NPFMC re Climate Research Programs
- NPFMC letter to USCG D17 re presentations on Operation NPG and Foreign MilitaryActivity in the Bering Sea and Arctic
November 3, 2021
- NMFS letter to NPFMC re Bering Sea Snow Crab status
- NPFMC letter to NMFS with SSC comments on Draft NS1 Technical Guidance Tech Memo
- NPFMC letter to AFSC with Council Recommendations on Climate RAPs and CFI
- NPFMC letter to IPHC re Ms. Karla Bush nomination
- NPFMC letter to U.S. Pacific fleet re Northern Edge 2021 training in the GOA
- NPFMC letter to U.S. Department of State re Russian Salmon Data
- Final Rule to implement Amendment 14 to the FMP for the Salmon Fisheries in the EEZ
- NPFMC letter to Department of Commerce re Climate Research Funding
- NPFMC letter to Department of Commerce re Salmon Research Funding
August 4, 2021
- NPFMC letter to newly appointed NOAA Fisheries Assistant Administrator Janet Coit
- NPFMC letter to NFWF re Electronic Monitoring Reporting Request for Proposals
- CCC letter to Samuel Rauch requesting a stronger relationship with the Councils on ESA consultations for fisheries
April 28, 2021
- Acting Administrator Friedman Response letter re 30×30, as stated in Executive Order 14008
- NPFMC letter re updated Research Priorities for 2022-2024
- NPFMC appreciation letter re Northern Edge 2021 presentation on training exercise in the Gulf of Alaska
- NPFMC letter to Federal Communications Commission re Automatic Identification Systems
March 24, 2021
- NPFMC letter to Senator Sullivan re comments on State’s proposal to amend MSA
- NPFMC letter to Acting Secretary of Interior on E.O. 14008 Section 216(a)
- CCC Letter to DOC on E.O. 14008 Section 216(a)
- NPFMC letter to Acting NOAA Administrator Friedman re initial comments on E.O. 14008 Section 216 (c)
- NPFMC letter Acting NOAA Administrator re definitions and guidelines for Marine Protected Areas
January 8, 2021
- NOAA Priorities Annual Guidance 2021
- USCG response letter to Council re USRU Bering Sea Fleet Interaction in EEZ
- CCC letter to Mr. Oliver re Development of Aquaculture Opportunity Areas
- Marine Protected Areas 2020 – Building Effective Conservation Networks
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re PR to allow processing and sale of squid and sculpin products
November 3, 2020
- NPFMC letter and list of actions to NMFS re Executive Order 13921
- NPFMC letter to Coast Guard and Bureau of OES re Report on Russian Military Exercise
- Fixed Gear Industry letter to NMFS re Trawl Sector ACL Overages in the Sablefish Fishery
- Notice of approval for GOA Amendment 111 Central Gulf Reauthorization
September 16, 2020
- EARTHJUSTICE letter to NMFS re Herring Bycatch
- NMFS Emergency Rule Response letter to At-Sea Processors Association re Herring
- NMFS letter to NPFMC re Update on Critical Habitat for Bearded and Ringed Seals
August 17, 2020
- Request for Emergency Action to Suspend Closure of the Winter Herring Area
- NEPA Final Rule
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re AM 50 FMP for BSAI King and Tanner Crabs
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re AM 111 FMP for GOA Rockfish Program
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re Regulatory Amendment for BSAI Pcod Parallel
July 20, 2020
- Link to 2019 Cooperative Reports
- NPFMC letter to IPHC re Charter Halibut Management Issues for 2020
- Alaska Geographic Strategic Plan 2020-2023
- NPFMC support letter to NFWF re EM projects
- Letter from Seward Peninsula Regional Advisory Council re Red King Crab in Norton Sound
- NPFMC letter to Dr. Foy re updates on 2021 survey planning
- NPFMC comments on the procedural guidance re stock status
- Economic Data Reporting Stakeholder Flyer
May 14, 2020
- 2019 Report to Congress on the Disclosure of Financial Interest and Recusal Requirements
- AK State Legislature letter to Council re Halibut Bycatch
- Executive Order Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth
- Allocation of CARES Act Funding
- NPFMC comment letter to IPHC re Emergency Rule Requests
- IPHC response letters re Emergency Rule Requests
- NPFMC letter to Dr. Foy re 2020 AFSC surveys
- NPFMC Council Operations Update
April 17, 2020
- NMFS response letter re Environmental Changes Research Prioritization Process
- NPFMC comment letter on Humpback Whale Critical Habitat
- NPFMC comment letter on the National Environmental Policy Act
- NPFMC support letter for ABSC research proposals to BREP
- NPFMC support letter for Halibut Excluders to BREP
- IFQ Stakeholder’s letter to Chris Oliver re Covid-19
- Halibut Charter Stakeholder’s letter to Chris Oliver re Covid-19
January 9, 2020
- NPFMC comment letter to Congressman Bishop on Forage Fish and Driftnets
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re revised SOPP
- NPFMC nomination letter for Rachel Baker to IPHC MSAB
- NPFMC ACLIM support letter
- Vice-Chairman Bill Tweit Testimony on Reauthorization of the MSA
- NPFMC letter to NOAA on environmental changes
- NPFMC comment letter on Minimum Data Retention Period for EM
- NPFMC comment letter on SIA Practitioner Guide
- NPFMC comment letter on Modernizing Recreational Fisheries Act Report to Congress
- CCC letter re EM Data Storage Procedural Directive
- NPFMC letter on NS 1 Technical Guidance Memo
- NPFMC letter to U.S. IPHC Commissioners
June 28, 2019
- NMFS response letter on National Bycatch Report
- NMFS response letter on AFSC funding
- NPFMC comment letter on the Pebble Mine Project Draft EIS
- NPFMC letter to NMFS and DOJ re AM 113 appeal
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re BSAI Pacific Cod allocation review
- NPFMC letter to NMFS AFSC re Chinook scale samples
- NPFMC response to WIRAC comment letter on salmon bycatch
- NPFMC letter to USCG Admiral Bell
- NPFMC letter to Senator Cantwell on the Forage Fish Conservation bill
May 21, 2019
- NPFMC letter re crab bycatch research in Bering Sea groundfish pot fisheries
- NPFMC thank you letter re Northern Edge 2019 joint training exercise presentation
- NPFMC thank you letter to NMFS re funding for AFSC FMA staff
- NPFMC comments to Chris Oliver on the National Bycatch Report
- NPFMC response letter to Mr. Poole re 2019 fishing regulations for Southeast Alaska
- NPFMC comment letter to Chris Oliver re AFSC funding for basic science
- NPFMC comment letter to NMFS re proposed rule for deck sorting
March 12, 2019
- NMFS letter re Outcomes of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
- NPFMC Comments to Mr. Risenhoover re PR on Financial Disclosure Regulations
- NPFMC letter to Senator Dan Sullivan re MSA Reauthorization Bill
- NPFMC letter to IPHC Requesting Additional Information on U26 Regulatory Proposal
- NPFMC letter to Mr. Oliver and Mr. Gibbons-Fly re Central Arctic Ocean Fishing Agreement
January 2, 2019
- NMFS letter to NPFMC re TAC for 2019 Pollock Harvest Specifications
- NMFS response letter to NPFMC re Funding for Partial Observer Coverage
- NMFS response letter to NPFMC re Funding for Groundfish and Trawl Surveys
- NPFMC letter to NPRB re Mr. Mezirow Appointment
- NPFMC letter to NMFS re Proposed Rule for Halibut Catch Sharing Plan
- NPFMC letter to FCC re AIS to mark fishing gear
- NPFMC comment letter to Senator Dan Sullivan re MSA Reauthorization
- NEFMC comment letter to Senator Dan Sullivan re MSA Reauthorization
- PFMC comment letter to Ms. Cantwell and Ms. Harris re AQUAA Act
- NPFMC Proposal Support for Marine Biodiversity Observation Network
October 23, 2018
- IPHC News release for the IPHC Interim Meeting November 27-28, Seattle
- NPFMC letter to NMFS (Risenhoover) providing comments on Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management plan
- NPFMC letter to NMFS (Morrison) providing comments on the National Bycatch Report
- NPFMC letter to NMFS (Oliver) regarding funding for AFSC Surveys
- NPFMC letter to NMFS (Oliver) regarding funding for supplemental observer days
- NPFMC letter to NMFS (Chilton) commending the Observer Program Safety Review
- 2017-2018 report from the Coastal Villages Crabbing Cooperative (received out of cycle)
March 7, 2018
- Report of the 94th Session of the IPHC Annual Meeting
- 2017 Report to Congress on the Disclosure of Financial Interest and Recusal Requirements
- NOAA Office of Law Enforcement’s 5-Year Priorities Document
- NPFMC letter to Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Re Oil and Gas Leasing Program
- NPFMC letter to IPHC
January 9, 2018
- NPFMC letter to Dr. DeMaster Re AFSC Research in NBS Region
- NPFMC letter to Ambassador Balton Re Central Arctic Ocean Agreement
- NPFMC letter to AK Sea Grant Re Young Fishermen’s Summit
- NPFMC Memo to IPHC Commissioners Re Council’s Actions from December 2017
- Ambassador Balton letter to Mr. Hull Re Central Arctic Ocean Agreement
- Oliver letter to Mr. Hull Re Trawl Surveys
- Oliver letter to Mr. Hull Re Funding for At-Sea Deployment
November 27, 2017
- NPFMC letter to NMFS Re Rockfish Allocation Review
- NPFMC letter to NMFS Re NMFS’ Reduced Surveys
- NPFMC letter to NMFS Re AGO Observer and Electronic Monitoring
- NPFMC letter to NMFS Re Northern Edge
- NPFMC letter to NMFS Re Uthmeier Regulatory Reform
- NPFMC letter to NMFS Re 100% EM Coverage
October 18, 2017
- Alaska Seafood Economic Impact Report
- Report from the National Essential Fish Habitat Summit
- NMFS’s Response Re Request from Aleutians East Borough on Steller Sea Lion Protection
- NPFMC letter to Senator Sullivan Re MSA
September 14, 2017
- National Fisherman Article on Chris Oliver Appointment
- NOAA Letter to NPFMC Re NMFS 2016 Fisheries Allocation Policy
- Sport Fishing Article – Interview with Chris Oliver Re Recreation Anglers
July 10, 2017
- Federal Register Notice: Streamlining Regulatory Processes and Reducing Regulatory Burden
- NPFMC letter to Adam Issenberg Re recusal determinations
- NPFMC letter to Will Ellis Re enforcement priorities
- NPFMC letter to Chris Oliver Re supplemental observer funding
- NPFMC letter to Chris Oliver Re SAIP comment
- NPFMC letter to Chris Oliver Re BSIA comment
- NPFMC letter to Chris Oliver Re allocation triggers
- NPFMC letter to William Michaels Re research priorities
- NPFMC letter to NOAA Re self-guided halibut boats
- NPFMC letter to ADF&G Re self-guided halibut boats
- Chris Oliver response letter Re budget constraints and quality of science impacts
- St. Paul letter Re Council’s visit to St Paul Island and Ecosystem Committee request
- 2018 Saltonstall-Kennedy Research and Development Grants Solicitation
- Final AFA Program Review
May 9, 2017
- Stock Assessment Improvement Plan
- Catch Share Review Guidance and update Allocation Policy
- Article: Mobilizing Markets to Reduce Bycatch in Marine Fisheries
- NPFMC Letter to NMFS Re Electronic Monitoring Proposed Rule
- NPFMC Letter to Sam Rauch Re NMFS Reduced Survey Frequency
- NPFMC Letter to Sam Rauch Re Commissioner Appointment
- Executive Order to Review of Designation Under the Antiquities Act
- Article: What Trump’s Budget Means for the Filet-O-Fish
- Boston Globe: Loss of Carlos Rafael’s Permits Could Hurt Port of New Bedford
- Article: The CDQ Program is Broken and Must be Fixed
- AEB Letter to Wilbur Ross Re Steller Sea Lion Regulations
- Article: Joint Initiative Concerned about Future of Monuments
- Solicitor General’s Brief to Supreme Court
February 17, 2017
- National Bycatch Reduction Strategy
- Complaint Re Amendment 113 to the BSAI Groundfish FMP
- CEQ Conformity Letter on NEPA
- Companion Manual for NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A
- Federal Register Re NEPA Implementation
- 2016 Report to Congress Re Disclosure of Financial Interest and Recusal Requirements
- St. George Unangan Heritage National Marine Sanctuary Nomination Letter
- NPFMC Letter Re NORTHERN EDGE 2017 Training Exercise in the GOA
- NPFMC Letter to IPHC Re Joint Planning, ABM Development, and Craig Cross Appointment
- NPFMC Letter to NOAA Re Stock Assessment Prioritization
December 2, 2016
- Fisheries of the United States Report 2015
- Fisheries Priorities and Annual Guidance for 2017
- APICDA Opposition Letter Re St. George Unangan Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
- NMFS’ Approval Letter to NPFMC Re Amendment 101
- Final EBFM Roadmap
- Fairweather Final Decision
- NOAA FR Notice Re Request for Comments on NEPA Procedures
October 20,2016
- Press Release – Lawsuit Launched to Protect West Coast Whales from Dying in Nets
- NOAA’s Cost of Fish Stock Assessments – Webinar
- NPFMC Comment Letter Re EBFM Road Map
- NPFMC Letter of Support Re Development of Seasonal Forecasting Biophysical Model for Bering Sea
- NPFMC Comment Letter Re St. George Unangan Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
- AKSC Letter Re Observer Viability Sampling in Deck Sorting Exempted Fishing Permit
- NS 1 Guidelines – Summary of 2016 Revisions
- Final Rule – Guidelines for NS1 of the MSA
- NOAA Approval Letter Re AM 113
September 8, 2016
- White House Release: President Obama to Create World’s Largest Marine Protected Area
- WPFMC Press Release: President Closes Additional 442,778 Square Miles of Fishing Grounds
- NMFS Letter to Philip Powell Re AFA Inshore Cather Vessel, F/V Defender
- PCCRC Request for Letters of Intent
- NOAA Letter to NPFMC Chairman Re Continued Supplementary Funding for EM
- Notice of Regional Peer Review Processes
- 9th Circuit Ruling on Glacier Fish v. NMFS
- Deep Sea Coral Research & Technology Program 2016 Report to Congress
- Halibut Management Framework
- 2016 Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program Awards
- Letter from PFMC to President Obama Re Potential National Marine Monument
August 10, 2016
- Thank you Letter from Kodiak Borough & City of Kodiak to NPFMC
- New England Observer Program Funding Order – Favorable Decision
- IARPC Arctic Research Plan 2017 – 2021
- Fisheries Allocation Review Policy (Policy Directive)
- Criteria for Initiating Fisheries Allocation Reviews – Guidance Document (Procedural Directive)
- Recommended Practices and Factors to Consider – Making Allocation Decisions (Procedural Directive)
May 19, 2016
Documents available through JUNE AGENDA for upcoming meeting:
C3 Crab 10-Year Review with 3 appendices (through Agenda link)
C4 BSAI Tanner Crab Custom Processing
May 12, 2016
Documents available through JUNE AGENDA for upcoming meeting:
C1 Observer Program 2015 Annual Report
C5 GOA Trawl Bycatch Management Discussion Paper
April 29, 2016
- NPFMC Comments on PR for SBRM
- NOAA Response Letter Re Stock Assessment Prioritization Plan
- FY 2016 Fish Assessment Report
- 2015 Status of U.S. Fisheries Report
- ADN Article RE MSA 40th Anniversary
- 2016-2017 National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy – Alaska Region
March 9, 2016
- NMFS Proposed Rule Re Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology
- NEPA Compliance for Council-Initiated FMP under the MSA Notice of Availability
- Revised and Updated NEPA Procedures for Magnuson-Stevens Act
- Email from Sobeck Re updated Interagency Policy for ESA Activities
- Interagency Policy Re State Agencies in Endangered Species Act Activities
- IPHC Letter to NPFMC Re Halibut Management Framework
- Testimony of Dan Hull Re HR 4576 “Ensuring Access to Pacific Fisheries Act”
February 16, 2016
- Village of Diomede Letter to SeaShare Re Prohibited Species Donation Program
- SeaShare Annual Report on Prohibited Species Donation Program
- BSFRF-ABSC Inquiry Letter Re Snow Crab Assessment Strategy
- AFSC Response Letter to BSFRF-ABSC Re Snow Crab Assessment
- Fairweather Fish Decision on Motion for Reconsideration
- 1999 Ecosystem Principle Advisory Panel Recommendations for FEPs
- Guidance on Fishing Vessel Risk Assessments for Safety at Sea
- NOAA Office of Law Enforcement Annual Report
January 27, 2016 (updated)
Documents available through FEBRUARY AGENDA for the upcoming meeting:
C1 BS Trawl Limited Access Yellowfin sole – staff Jon McCracken, posted 1/15
C2 GOA Trawl Bycatch Management Discussion Paper – Sam Cunningham, posted 1/15
C3 NSRKC SAFE and Introduction – staff Diana Stram, posted 1/15
C3 Crab Plan Team Report – staff contact Diana Stram, posted 1/25
C4 Halibut Framework – staff Chris Oliver, posted 1/19
C5 Halibut Deck Sorting EFP DRAFT Final Report, posted 1/21
C6 Observer coverage on BSAI Trawl CVs, Public Review – staff Sam Cunningham, posted 1/21
C7 EM Analysis of Alternatives Discussion Paper – staff Diana Evans, posted 1/26
C8 GOA Tendering Activity Report – staff Matt Robinson, posted 1/20
C9 Observers on CVs Delivering to Tender Vessels Discussion Paper – staff Matt Robinson, posted 1/15
D1 Snow crab Bycatch Data Evaluation Discussion paper – staff Diana Stram, posted 1/25
D2 WAI RKC Discussion Paper – staff Jim Armstrong, posted 1/22
D3 Halibut/Sablefish IFQ Program Review Workplan – staff Sarah Marrinan, posted 1/13
D4 Groundfish Policy and Workplan items – staff Jim Armstrong, posted 1/22
D5 Crab modeling Workshop Report – staff Diana Stram, posted 1/22
December 1, 2015
Documents available through DECEMBER AGENDA for the upcoming meeting:
D2 Halibut Retention in Sablefish Pots
D3 Area 4 Halibut IFQ Leasing Options for CDQ Vessels
November 25, 2015
Documents available through DECEMBER AGENDA for the upcoming meeting:
C2 BSAI SAFE, Intro, Recommended OFLs and ABCs
C3 GOA SAFE, Intro, Recommended OFLs and ABCs
C2-C3 BSAI / GOA / Joint Groundfish Plan Team reports
C2-C3 Ecosystem Report Cards & Executive Summary
C4 GOA Chinook PSC Reapportionment
C6 Charter Halibut RQE Program, Initial Review Draft
C7 BS FEP Discussion Paper; Ecosystem Committee Minutes
C8 Halibut Management Framework
D1 GOA Trawl Bycatch Management Work Plan
D4 IFQ Program Review Outline
D5 AFA Program Review Work Plan
D6 Enforcement Precepts
D7 Bristol Bay Red King Crab Saving Area Exempted Fishing Permit
November 24, 2015
- Presidential Initiative on Combating IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud
- NOAA Fisheries Operational Guidelines
- NPFMC Letter to IPHC Re Retention of Incidentally Caught Halibut in Alaska Sablefish Pot Fisheries
September 25, 2015
Documents available through October OCTOBER AGENDA for upcoming meeting:
C1 Crab SAFE Introduction (full SAFE is posted)
C10 GOA Salmon PSC Reapportionment, Prelim. Rev.
C11 WAG Partial Offload Analysis, Public Review
Other items of interest:
- Saving Seafood: Congressmen Jones & Young Bill to Prevent Marine Monument Designations – HR330 Marine Access and State Transparency Act
- Information Session – “Resilience & Adaptive Capacity of Arctic Marine Systems Under a Changing Climate”
September 18, 2015
Documents available through October OCTOBER AGENDA for upcoming meeting:
C5 2016 Pre-Implementation Plan Recommendations of EMWG
C6 Observer Annual Deployment Plan
C7 BSAI Trawl CV Observer Coverage, Initial Review
September 15, 2015
- Spearman Proposal Letter to NPFMC Re Sale of By-Catch
- McBride Resignation Letter (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
- NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy
- Article on Resilience Strategies – Out Migration & Fisheries in Alaskan Fishing Communities
- Alaska District Court’s Ruling in the Sea Lion Law Suit
- NOAA White Paper on Cooperative Research and Cooperative Management
- State of Alaska’s Appellate Brief Re Alaska Salmon Litigation
- NMFS’s Appellate Brief Re Alaska Salmon Litigation
September 9, 2015
Documents available through OCTOBER AGENDA for upcoming meeting:
C3 Pribilof Canyons Report
C4 Aleutian Islands Pacific cod Allocation, Final Review
C8 GOA Trawl Bycatch Management Discussion Paper and TBM Excel Catch tables (online only)
C9 GOA Trawl 100% Observer Coverage Discussion Paper
August 14, 2015
- NTSB Letter to Mr. Oliver Re Safety Recommendation M-09-12
- NTSB Letter to Ms. Sobeck Re Safety Recommendation m-09-11
- Fisheries Forum’s Report – “Collaborating to Advance Research and Management”
- SSC June 2015 Report
- Letters to Amendment 80 Cooperatives on Halibut Bycatch Management
- Informational Article – “Creating Sustainable Fisheries from the Start” (e.g. of North Pacific)
- Stock Assessment Prioritization – NOAA Technical Memorandum
- NPFMC Letter to Mr. Rauch Re Recusal Regulations
July 17, 2015
- NPFMC Letter to Senator Dan Sullivan Re NPFC Legislation
- Letter from Lieutenant Governor to Ms. Sobeck Re Request for Emergency Action to Reopen GOA CV Fishery
- NPFMC Comment Letter Re NMFS’ Proposed Revisions to National Standard Guidelines
- NOAA 2014 Report to Congress on Financial Interests and Recusal Requirements
- NOAA (OLE) Letter Concerning VMS Changes
- McDonald’s Letter Re Pollock and Bering Sea Canyons
- Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Nomination Request
- Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Press Release on Deep Sea Corals Amendment
- Bob Mace Article
- NPFMC Comment Letter Re NOAA Bycatch Policy
- Letters to Young and Beutler Re Information on Linkages Between Harvesters and Processors
- Letter from IPHC to NMFS Re Council’s June 2015 BSAI Halibut PSC Decision
- Response Letter from Ms. Sobeck to IPHC
May 21, 2015
Documents available through JUNE AGENDA for upcoming meeting:
C2 BSAI Halibut PSC Limits – Final Action
C3 Observer Supplemental EA
C4 Observer Program 2014 Annual Report
C8 Observer Coverage on Small CPs – Public Review
D2 Western Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab Full Offload Delivery Exemption – Initial Review
Items of interest:
- Response letter from NOS regarding Sanctuary System
- Letter from NMFS announcing Recovery Plan for Cook Inlet Beluga whale
- National Fish & Wildlife Foundation 2015 Fisheries Innovation Fund Grants
- Fairweather vs. NOAA Cross Motion Brief on Hired Master Rule
- Committee Print for HR 1335, April 30, 2015
- Recovering Threatened and Endangered Species FY 2013-14 Report to Congress
- U.S. Arctic Research Commission – Arctic Research Goals and Objectives for 2015-2016
May 11, 2015
- Letter to Honorable Don Young on HR 1135 comments.
- Letter from Senator Murkowski regarding comment on S. 437 – the Improved National Monument Designation Process Act.
- Letter from APA and PSPA to Ambassador David Balton, regarding Arctic coordination.
- Comment regarding Zhemchug and Pribilof canyons.
- Coast Villages Crab Cooperative report.
- 29th Alaska State Legislature comment on BS/AI halibut bycatch reduction.
- Letter from Alaska Seafood Cooperative to NMFS on halibut deck sorting.
- Plaintiff’s brief summary Judgement, Oceana and Greenpeace v. NMFS.
- National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy and NOAA Fisheries Announcement.
- Status of the Stocks 2014 Report to Congress and NOAA Fisheries Announcement.
March 30, 2015
- Letter to West Coast Regional Director regarding update on proposed Aleutian Island National Marine Sanctuary and request for consultation
- Letter to Coast Guard regarding Council concern about the continuing downward trend in major cutter days and HC-130 flight hours
- Letter to Ambassador Balton and Mr. Kennedy regarding Arctic Issues and the NPFMC
- Response letters to City of Newhalen, New Stuyahok and Igiugig regarding CDQ program
- Aquaculture article on Humane Harvesting Initiative and Blue North Invitation
- Presidential Task Force – Action Plan on Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing and Seafood Fraud
- Letters between AFSC Chris Rilling and Alaskan Observers on Lead Level 2 Certification Policy
- Article from Marine Fisheries Review – Federal Fisheries Observer Programs in the US: Over 40 years of Independent Data Collection
- Letters to Department of State and NMFS regarding Tribal Consultation for Bering Sea Chinook
- Response letter from Richard Dale regarding Annual Conversion factors for Guided Angler Fish (GAF)
- Letters received on Bering Sea Canyons
- Final rule – Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab Rationalization Program
March 6, 2015
- Letter to Gov. Bill Walker from City of Pelican Mayor regarding reducing halibut PSC in the groundfish trawl fisheries.
- Letter from Jim Balsiger NMFS Alaska Region clarifying timing of peer review of technical reports used to support changes in critical habitat designation for Steller sea lions.
- Letter from Jody Cook supporting reappointment of Dan Hull.
Other items:
- Central Gulf of Alaska Salmon Excluder EFP 13-01 Final Report, March 2015
- NOAA Regional Electronic Monitoring and Reporting Implementation Plans
- NOAA Fisheries Announces 2015 Biennial Report to Congress on Improving International Fisheries Management
- National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy 2015
- Sea Grant Publication – Community-Based Monitoring of Alaska’s coastal and ocean environment
- NPRB Biennial Report 2013-2014
January 23, 2015
Documents available through Agenda for upcoming meeting:
C1 Summary of CDQ Pacific cod Analysis Modifications
C1 CDQ Pacific cod Fishery Development Public Review Draft
C2 Electronic Monitoring Cooperative Research Plan
C3 AI Pacific cod Allocation Initial Review Draft
C5 Bering Sea Halibut PSC Initial Review Draft
C5 Deck Sorting EFP
D1 GOA Tendering Discussion Paper
D2 BSAI Crab 10-year Review Workplan
D3 Norton Sound Red King Crab SAFE; Introduction
D3 Crab Plan Team Minutes
D4 Crab Modeling Workshop report; Crab Economic SAFE; BBRKC Comparisons (SSC Only)
Items of Interest:
- Letter to Denby Lloyd following up on NPRB presentation to Council in December.
- Letters from Akutan Traditional Council and Akutan Corporation opposing Aleutian lsland National Marine Sanctuary.
- NMFS letter to Oystein Lone placing Pacific Sounder in partial observer coverage category.
- WDFW News Release announcing Unsworth as new Director.
- KUCB news article announcing Tom Enlow as UniSea President.
- FR Approval of BSAI FMP Am. 104 designating six areas of skate egg concentration as HAPC.
- Proposed rule request for comments NMFS proposed revisions to guidelines for national Standards 1, 3 and 7 of MFCMA.
- Black Cod Almanac 2015
January 9, 2015
- Letter to Senator Murkowski regarding proposed legislation “Improved National Monument Designation Process”.
- Letter to IPHC regarding annual management summarizing Council actions, recommendations, issues necessary for IPHC considerations annual meeting.
- Letter to NMFS from Pacific Council regarding National Recreational Fishing Policy.
- Letter to Council from NMFS regarding North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program Funding.
- Letter to NOAA Fisheries from APICDA regarding Emergency action to reduce Halibut PSC
- Letter to Council from Miss Palayyo regarding Bering Sea Canyons.
- Letter to CCC from NMFS regarding approval of Policy and Procedural Directives for ESA Section 7 Consultations.
Other items:
- Oceana/Greenpeace Vs. NMFS – Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (SSL Litigation).
- Final rule for Amendment 107 – Walrus Protection areas
- Proposed rule – New Cost Recovery Fee Programs
- Report from National Aquarium – Addressing Uncertainty in Fisheries Science and Management (cover letter; report, along with full examination of case studies and appendices, can also be found at aqua.org/fisheries).
- Draft EA – Trawl Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) Boundary Modifications – NMFS and Sustainable Fisheries Division of Northwest Region.
December 2, 2014
Documents available through Agenda for upcoming meeting:
- C4 AM80/AFA incidental catch data
- C4 BSAI groundfish SAFE report (Introduction)
- C5 GOA groundfish SAFE report (Introduction)
- C6 GOA Sablefish Longline Pots Initial Review
November 20, 2014
Documents available through Agenda for upcoming meeting:
- C1 ADF&G Sport Fishery Report to IPHC
- C2 BS Salmon Bycatch EA/RIR/IRFA Initial Review
- C3 GOA Skate MRA revisions Final Action
- C7 Vessel IFQ Caps Discussion Paper
- D1 VMS Expansion Discussion Paper
- D2 FMP Housekeeping Amendment
October 29, 2014
Letter to Senator Begich regarding Council priorities and associated funding.
Letter to Russell Dunn regarding National Saltwater Recreational Fishing Policy workshop.
Letter to Sen. Lesil McGuire and Rep. Bob Herron, Alaska Arctic Policy Commission regarding public listening session.
Letter to Dr. Balsiger regarding SSL critical habitat public workshops.
Letter to NMFS Eileen Sobeck regarding restructured Observer Program and funding aspects.
Letter to IPHC Chairman Ryall regarding joint meeting with Council.
Letter to AFSC regarding 2015 Observer ADP.
Letter from Olga Lampkin regarding Bering Sea Canyons.
Other Items:
- GAO memo to Congressional Requesters regarding prioritization and funding for fish stock assessments.
- Saving Seafood Alert: White House Pacific Monument Compromise Reduces, Doesn’t Eliminate Harm to Fishermen
- Western Pacific Council Press Releases: Workshop Addresses Issue of Disproportionate Burden in Pacific Island Fisheries and WPFMC Responds to the President’s Pacific Monument Expansion Decision.
- An Ocean Legacy – The US Pacific Island Way
- FR Proposed Rule requesting comments on BSAI Groundfish Amendment 107 to Establish Transit Zones in Walrus Protection areas at Round Island and Cape Peirce.
- Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program 2013 Annual Report to Congress
- Enhancing the Climate Resilience of America’s Natural Resources
- NOAA News Release NOAA Settles Flow Scale Cases for $1.75 million
- East Coast Climate Change and Fisheries Governance Workshop Report
- Fisheries of the U.S. 2013 Fact Sheet and Full Report
September 30, 2014
- National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy discussion guide
- Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy
- GAO report – Fish Stock Assessments: Prioritization and Funding
September 19, 2014
Documents available through Agenda for upcoming meeting:
- D2 CATCH Proposal and discussion paper
- C7 GOA Trawl Bycatch Community Fisheries Assn. & Adaptive Management discussion paper
- C7 GOA Chinook salmon genetics report C11 Aleutian Islands Pacific Cod Allocation Initial Review
Other Items:
- Letter to NMFS from Freezer Longline Coalition regarding LL2 observer coverage
and response letter from NMFS to Freezer Longline Coalition - Petition to Secretary of Commerce for emergency action and rulemaking to protect chinook salmon in Western Alaska
- Alaska Board of Fisheries Walleye Pollock Workgroup session agenda for October 6, 2014
- ADF&G news release – BSAI Annual Crab-Industry meeting
- WPFMC release of video – Opposition Mounts to Obama’s proposed Pacific Monument expansion at Honolulu “Town Hall” listening session
- AMSS 2015 Abstract Submission for 2015 Alaska Marine Science Symposium
- Article Marine Resource Economics article – On the Statistical Significance of Regional Economic Impacts from Recreational Fishing Harvest Limits in Southern Alaska
- FR notices:
- Notice of Availability of Amendment 103/43 for BSAI King and Tanner crabs which would close directed Pacific cod pot gear fishing in Pribilof Islands Habitat Conservation Zone and revise Pribilof Islands blue king crab rebuilding plan
- Proposed rule to implement GOATrawl Economic Data Report Program
- Final rule for Amendment 106 to bring BSAI FMP into conformity with AFA and Coast Guard Act
- Proposed rule for List of Fisheries for 2015
September 10, 2014
Documents available through Agenda for upcoming meeting:
- C6 Discus Paper changing MRA Enforcement
- C7 GOA Trawl Bycatch Management Discussion Paper
- C8 Pacific Cod CDQ Fishery Development EA/RIR/IRFA
- C9 Crab ROFR Contract Terms RIR/IRFA
- C1 Observer Annual Deployment Plan
August 8, 2014
- Alaska Dispatch article on trawl bycatch (7/29/14) and Response from Eric Olson (8/5/14)
- Letter from IPHC regarding halibut bycatch and proposal to meet with Council to begin development of a coordinated mortality management framework (7/30/14)
- Letter from NMFS regarding Mr. Lake’s letter about insurance requirements applicable to North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program (7/24/14)
- Letter from Gulf Council to Mark Begich regarding comments on the MSA Reauthorization Act of 2014 (7/11/14)
- Letter from Gulf Council to Doc Hasting regarding comments on Discussion Draft: Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act (7/18/14)
- Letter from MCA to Council on Environmental Quality regarding the expansion of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (7/30/14) [note reference to “Alaska model”]
- Letter from Oceana replying to CCC letter regarding Oceana’s report on Wasted Catch (7/14/14)
- Notice – Secretary of State John Kerry announces appointment of Fran Ulmer, Chair of the US Arctic Research Commission as Special Advisor on Arctic (7/16/14)
- Summary and Progress Report on How to Assess Food Security from an Inuit Perspective
- Letter from the Pacific Council to Doc Hastings and Mark Begich regarding MSA Reauthorization (8/7/14)
- Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment re: The Boat Company’s Claims (filed 8/6/14)
- Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment re: Fixed Gear Alliance’s Claims (filed 8/6/14)
- FR Notices:
- NMFS withdraws a proposed rule that would have established new regulations pertaining to compliance with NEPA
- Temporary rule – reapportionment of the 2014 GOA Pacific halibut PSC limits for the Trawl Deep-water and Shallow-water fishery categories
- Notice of Availability and request for comment on Amendment 96 to GOA FMP – would allow CQEs to transfer and hold small blocks of sablefish QS
- Final rule to amend the hired maser provisions of the IFQ program for the fixed gear commercial Pacific halibut and sablefish fisheries in the BSAI and GOA
- Proposed information collection – request comments on progress report on Cooperative Halibut prohibited species catch minimization
- Proposed rule and request for comments on GOA Amendment 96 to allow CQEs to transfer and hold small blocks of sablefish QS
July 11, 2014
- Revised and updated MSA and NEPA procedures
- Draft FR Notice of Regional Peer Review Process
- 2013 Report to Congress on Apportionments of Membership
- Letter from IPHC regarding DMRS in CDQ fishery
- Letter to Council from Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union regarding Sablefish Pot discussions
- Letters to Senator Begich: Proposed legislation to codify Amendment 80 allocations; Implementing legislation for the North Pacific Fisheries Convention
- Letter to Senator Begich and Representative Doc Hastings from CCC regarding comments on reauthorization of MSA
- Letter to National Marine Fisheries Service regarding North Pacific regulations governing observer provider insurance coverage requirements
- ADF&G news issues on Chinook
- Federal registers notices:
- Proposed rule for Amendment 97 – limit Chinook salmon bycatch management in the GOA Non-pollock trawl fisheries
- Temporary rule for Reapportionment of Halibut PSC catch limit in the BSAI
- Proposed rule for Amendment 105 – BSAI flatfish harvest specification flexibility
- Proposed rule – SSL protection measures for the BSAI Groundfish Fisheries off Alaska
June 20, 2014
- Vacancy Announcement – Fishery Analyst/Fishery Coordinator
- Thank you letters to Nome Chamber of Commerce, Norton Sound Economic Development Council
- FR Notices: Proposed rule for Amendment 106 regarding AFA vessels; Proposed information Collection Comment request: Alaska LLP for Groundfish, Crab and Scallops, and NMS Alaska Region American Fisheries Acts Reports
- Comment letter from Aleknagik Natives Limited on Round Island Transit corridor
- Marine Policy Article – Alaskan fishing community revenues and the stabilizing role of fishing portfolios
- 2013 Report to Congress on the Disclosure of Financial Interest and Recusal Requirements for Regional Fishery Management Councils and SSC
- Office of Habitat Conservation – Protection of Deep-sea corals from physical damage by fishing gear under the MSA Deep Sea Coral Discretionary Authority
- Article: Depredating sperm whales in the GOA: local habitats used and long distance movements across putative population boundaries
- CCC response letter to Oceana article on Wasted Catch: Unsolved Problems in US Fisheries
- NOAA announces updated process for nominating new national marine sanctuaries and our comment letter from Council July 24, 2013
- Link to Sanctuary Nomination Process (We will need to closely monitor this process!)
- Saving Seafood Alert (cover): President Obama proposes vast expansion of Pacific marine sanctuaries (full article)
May 22, 2014
- Task Force Convened on Fisheries and Ecosystems
- Endangered Species Research publication – Depredating Sperm Whales in the GOA
Documents available through Agenda for upcoming meeting:
- C1 – Crab SAFE documents: Introduction; Chapters 7, 8, 10; BBRKC, PIRKC, Snow, Tanner
- C5 – BS Chinook & Chum Bycatch – Discussion Paper
- C6 – Crab ROFER Contract terms – Initial Review
- C7 – CDQ Pacific cod Fishery Development – Initial Review
- D1 – Halibut PSC Stock Impacts – Discussion Paper
- D6 – BS Salmon Excluder EFP Application, Addendum, Environmental Assessment
May 2, 2014
- Letter to IPHC requesting halibut DMRs in CDQ vs non-CDQ hauls
- Sitka Sentinel article – Longliners Pitch for Electronic Monitoring
- NOAA Fisheries – New Guidance for Fishing Communities
- NOAA’s Arctic Action Plan – Supporting the National Strategy for the Arctic Region
- Oceana publication – Wasted Catch: Unsolved Problems in U.S. Fisheries, March 2014
- Press Release – GAO Audit of NEPA reveals lack of Accountability and Transparency
March 20, 2014
- Final rule on Pacific Halibut Fisheries Catch Share Plan
- Final rule for List of Fisheries
- Briefing from February 2014 CCC meeting on Implementing an Assessment Prioritization Process
- NOAA Fisheries Draft Protocol for Prioritizing Fish Stock Assessments
- NOAA’s FY 2015 Budget
- Email from NOAA Fisheries – National Response to the FY 2013 Reviews of NOAA Fisheries’ Stock Assessment Data Collection
- SWAMC resolution supporting analysis of Community Fishing Associations for SW Alaska fishing communities in the GOA Bycatch Management Program
March 11, 2014
- FR notice for Amendment 95 to modify halibut prohibited species catch in the GOA
- FR notice for Amendment 102 to implement Area 4B CQE eligibility
- FR notice for 2014-2015 BSAI Groundfish Harvest Specifications
- FR notice for 2014-2015 GOA Groundfish Harvest Specifications
- NOAA Fisheries – Regional Recreational Fisheries Action Agenda 2014-2015
- NOAA seeking public comment on revisions to its Policy for the Assessment of Civil Administrative Penalties and Permits Sanctions – Deadline April 28, 2014
- NOAA Technical memorandum – The Design and Use of Fishing Community and Regional Fishery Associates Entities in Limited Access Privilege Programs
- NMFS Black Cod Almanac
- Informational comment on IFQ program – received February 13, 2014