Meet the NPFMC Council Members
Back row, L to R: John Seabourne, LCDR Jed Raskie, Bill Tweit, Anne Vanderhoeven, Jon Kurland, Nicole Kimball, Angel Drobnica
Front row: Rachel Baker, Chris Oliver, Karla Bush, Kenny Down (former), Molly Watson, Andy Mezirow (former)
Not Pictured: Pete Fasbender, Jamie Goen, John Moller, Brian Ritchie, Rudy Tsukada, Dimitri Varmazis & Steve Williams.
Italics = a non-voting member, or alternate.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following information is provided as a public service and is intended for general communication purposes. If you wish to submit comments on an Agenda item to be made available to the Council family as part of the record, they must be submitted to meetings.npfmc.org and must be received by the deadline date noticed in that meeting’s agenda. Related Documents
NPFMC Council Members

Angel Drobnica
302 Gold Street
Juneau, AK 99801
Financial Disclosure
Angel Drobnica is Director of Fisheries and Government Affairs for Aleutian-Pribilof Island Community Development Association, or APICDA. The group represents six communities: Akutan, Atka, False Pass, Nelson Lagoon, Nikolski and St. George Island. Angel has served on the Council’s Advisory Panel for 7 years, 2 of them as Chair.

Bill Tweit
600 Capitol Way N
Olympia, WA 98501-1091
Alternate: Nate Pamplin Email
Mr. Bill Tweit has been the Washington State representative on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council since 2005, and the vice-chair since April 2015. He is a Special Assistant to the Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. His other duties include management of harvest and hydropower impacts in the Columbia River basin in conjunction with the Treaty Indian Tribes of the basin and the states of Oregon, Idaho and Montana; coordination of Invasive Species issues for the Department; and development of mitigation agreements for the impacts of Columbia Basin development on fish and wildlife. His newest task is serving on the regional team developing the framework for potential alterations to the US/Canada treaty on Columbia River water supply, hydropower and flood control.

Alternate: Karla Bush
Ms. Rachel Baker represents the State of Alaska’s interests in federal fisheries management issues, including participation on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council on behalf of the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Ms. Baker has over 15 years of experience working to develop and implement fisheries policy and management programs for commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries off Alaska. Prior to joining the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in early 2019, she worked for the National Marine Fisheries Service in Juneau, Alaska, as an analyst and regulatory specialist for Alaska’s federal halibut, groundfish, and crab fisheries. Ms. Baker began her fisheries career as an economist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and later worked as an analyst and fishery manager for the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries and for the National Marine Fisheries Service headquarters office in Washington, DC area.

Karla Bush
ADF&G (Alternate)
PO Box 11526
Juneau, AK 99811
Ms. Karla Bush is the Extended Jurisdiction Program Manager and serves as an alternate on behalf of the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). She has worked for the Division of Commercial Fisheries since 2001, serving as a shellfish fishery manager in the BSAI and Southeast Alaska areas, as a Fishery Biologist in the Extended Jurisdiction Section, and as the Southeast Alaska shellfish/groundfish program coordinator. Ms. Bush was a member and vice-chair of the Council’s BSAI Crab Plan Team from 2010-2016, serves as an alternate on the Pacific Fishery Management Council, and is the Alaska coordinator for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Ms. Bush has a MS degree in fisheries from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and resides in Juneau, Alaska.

RADM Megan Dean
US Coast Guard
NOAA Fisheries
17th Coast Guard District, MPO
PO Box 25517
Juneau, AK 99802
CAPT Ryan Waters
Rear Admiral Dean is responsible for Coast Guard operations throughout Alaska, the North Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Bering Sea. These operations include protecting life and property, ensuring marine safety, enforcing federal laws and treaties, protecting the marine environment, preserving living marine resources, and promoting national security.

Pete Fasbender
USFWS (Alternate)
1011 E Tudor Rd
Anchorage, AK 99503
Peter Fasbender is one of the four non-voting members. He is the Assistant Regional Director, Fisheries and Ecological Services, and will represent the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and serve as an alternate for Sara Boario, the Alaska Regional Director.

Jamie Goen
Appointed Council Member
Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers
4005-20th Avenue West, Suite 102
Seattle, WA 98199
Financial Disclosure
Jamie Goen is Executive Director of Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers, a trade association representing independent harvesters that fish commercially for king, snow, and bairdi crab with pot gear. As the leader of an industry working through a crisis, she is passionate about building resilient, sustainable ecosystems to support fisheries and communities through stakeholder involvement, collaboration, and innovative solutions backed by science and local and traditional knowledge. Previously, she worked for NOAA Fisheries on both coasts and in DC, as well as for the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Throughout her career in fisheries, she has worked with several Regional Fishery Management Councils, with commercial, recreational, and Tribal fisheries, and for public and private sectors. Early in her career, Jamie worked as a scientist on oceanography vessels all over the world. She holds a Master of Marine Affairs from the University of Washington.

Nicole Kimball
Appointed Council Member
Pacific Seafood Processors Assoc.
721 W. 1st Ave, Ste. 100
Anchorage, AK 99501
Financial Disclosure
Ms. Kimball has 20 years of experience in Alaska fisheries management and policy and currently works for the Pacific Seafood Processors Association, a non-profit trade association comprised of motherships and shore-based seafood processors across Alaska. Prior to this, she served as Federal Fisheries Coordinator for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, where she represented the state in regional, national, and international fisheries venues, and served as the alternate to the Commissioner on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (2012-2016). Before this Nicole worked as a fisheries analyst for the Council for 12 years. Nicole received a BS in natural resource management at the University of Maine, and a master’s in environmental policy and renewable resource management from Tufts University. Nicole currently serves on the board of the Alaska SeaLife Center, the Maritime Works Leadership Council, the Alaska Sea Grant Advisory Committee, and as Vice-Chair of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute’s Communications Committee. Born in Ketchikan, she currently resides in Anchorage.

Jon Kurland
NMFS AK Regional Admin
NOAA Fisheries
PO Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802
Gretchen Harrington
Alicia Miller Email
Mr. Jon Kurland became NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Regional Administrator in March 2022. He previously served in three other senior leadership roles in the agency’s Alaska Region: Assistant Regional Administrator for Habitat Conservation, Acting Deputy Regional Administrator, and Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources. Before moving to Alaska in 2002 he was the national Essential Fish Habitat Coordinator based at NOAA Fisheries’ headquarters office, and prior to that he worked in the habitat program in NOAA Fisheries’ Northeast Region (now called the Greater Atlantic Region).

Gretchen Harrington
NMFS AK Regional Admin Assistant
VOTING (alternate)
NOAA Fisheries
PO Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802
Alicia Miller Email
Gretchen is the head of the Sustainable Fisheries Division in the Alaska Region. She has been with the Alaska Region since 1998 and had worked as the head of the Habitat Division and in the Sustainable Fisheries Division as a Fishery Management Plan Coordinator. She also served as the Alaska Region National Environmental Policy Act Coordinator. Gretchen received her Master’s from the School of Marine Affairs at the University of Washington and her Bachelor’s from Rutgers University.

John Moller
Appointed Council Member
P.O. Box 32425
Juneau, AK 99803
Financial Disclosure
John is a life-long Alaskan and Alaska Native originally from Unalaska, with deep roots in subsistence and commercial fishing. John has over four decades of commercial fishing experience and currently owns and operates a commercial fishing vessel in Southeast Alaska. John has also managed a fish processing plant in Adak and was the general manager of a Western Alaska Community Development Quota Organization where he oversaw fish plants and vessels. John served six years on the Advisory Panel to the NPFMC. In addition to commercial fishing, John owns a consulting firm advising clients on a broad array of topics.

Chris Oliver
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
205 SE Spokane St, Ste. 100
Portland, OR 97202
Fax: 503-595-3232
Chris Oliver, a 33 year resident of Alaska, works as Council liaison for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, beginning in June 2023. Chris most recently served as Government Affairs Advisor for American Seafoods Co., from May 2021 through May 2023. Prior to that he was the NOAA Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, based in Washington, D.C., leading all aspects of the National Marine Fisheries Service mission. This was a Presidential appointment where he served from June of 2017 to January 2021. Prior to that Chris worked for 27 years for the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, where he served as Executive Director from 2000 to 2017. Chris hails from Texas where he obtained a BBA in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University. Hobbies include hunting, fishing, or pretty much anything outdoors.

Nate Pamplin
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
VOTING (Alternate)
P.O. Box 43200
Olympia, WA 98504
Nate Pamplin is the Director of External Affairs and serves as an alternate on behalf of the Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). He has worked for WDFW since 2006 in a variety of roles, including leading the agency’s Wildlife Program and serving as the Policy Director. In his current position, Nate represents the Director on numerous intergovernmental forums. He has a BS in Zoology and a MS in Wildlife Science, both from Oregon State University (OSU). He also conducted graduate studies in Biological Oceanography at OSU. Prior to joining WDFW, Nate worked as a wildlife biologist for the San Carlos Apache Tribe in Arizona and as a marine mammal biologist for the Makah Tribe in Washington state. He was born and raised in Alaska and currently resides in Olympia, WA.

Brian Ritchie
Appointed Council Member
Solstice Charters, LLC
P.O. Box 939
Homer, AK 99603
Financial Disclosure
Brian Ritchie is a charter fisherman from Homer, Alaska where he was born and raised. In addition to fishing, Mr. Ritchie holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Science and his studies are focused on fisheries science. Prior to serving on the Council Mr. Ritchie was a NPFMC Advisory Panel member for 3 years and was the chairman there for 2 years. He also serves on the International Pacific Halibut Commission’s Research Advisory Board and serves on the Conference Board as Vice Chair. Mr. Ritchie is also proud to participate in the North Pacific Research Board and serves on the group’s Advisory Panel.

John Seabourne
Alternate for Dr. Debbie Colbert
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97302
John Seabourne has 27 years working with the Oregon commercial fishing industry for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. He had served as the South Coast Port Biologist in the Charleston office for the Marine program where he sampled commercial landings and conducted at-sea research on commercial fishing vessels. He moved to headquarters in 2003 to oversee the collection and dissemination of commercial landing data and worked with Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission PacFIN program. He currently serves as the Fish Division’s Operation Manager where he develops the Divisions biennial budget and oversees the Fisheries Information Systems program, Rule Coordination section, and the daily operations of the Division. John received his Bachelor of Science in Marine Fisheries from Texas A&M University at Galveston.

Rudy Tsukada
Appointed Council Member
Coastal Villages Region Fund
711 H St #200
Anchorage, AK 99501
Financial Disclosure
Mr. Ryuichi Rudy Tsukada is the Chief Operating Officer since 2020 for Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF), a community development quota group that serves 20 communities in western Alaska. This is his second time with CVRF, having managed the in-region fisheries program from 2002- 2005. His previous experience includes his work as CEO for the Quinault Nation Enterprise Board overseeing the business enterprises of the Quinault Indian Nation and President of Aleut Enterprise, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Aleut Corporation, a regional Native Corporation in Alaska. He is an avid saltwater kayak angler producing numerous videos and has been a brand ambassador for Hobie Kayaks, Kokatat, and Alaska Raft and Kayak. He grew up (K-12) in Kenai, Alaska and has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and an MBA, both from Cornell University.

Anne Vanderhoeven
Appointed Council Member
Arctic Storm 2727 Alaskan Way,
Pier 69
Seattle, WA 98121
907 242-1820
Financial Disclosure
With more than 20 years of experience, Ms. Anne Vanderhoeven has worked with nearly every fishing fleet in Alaska. She started her fishery experience as a groundfish observer before expanding into crab and later program management. She has also worked for one of the Community Development Quota groups and she currently works as the Director of Government Affairs for Arctic Storm Management Group. In addition to having served on several Council committees and the Advisory Panel, Ms. Vanderhoeven is an active member of various fishing related organizations such as At-Sea Processors Association, United Catcher Boats, Midwater Trawlers Cooperative, High Seas Catcher Cooperative, and Marine Conservation Alliance amongst others. Having grown up all over California, she now calls Washington state her home.

Dimitri Varmazis
U.S. Dept. of State
Washington D.C.
Dimitri Varmazis is one of the four non-voting members and is a representative of the U.S. Department of State.

Steve Williams
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Alternate for Dr. Debbie Colbert
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
P.O. Box 1754
Bend, Oregon 97709
Most recently retired from Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission where he served as a Senior Program Manager responsible for program coordination with the states of Oregon, Washington and California on marine recreational fishery sampling, habitat development and other commercial and recreational fishery projects. Served for over 39 years with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in various biological and policy/leadership roles including Deputy Director and Asst. Chief of both the Fish and Wildlife Divisions. While with ODFW he was also responsible for oversight and coordination of the Columbia River and Marine Programs and served as the Director’s designee to the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the Columbia River Compact and the US v Oregon Policy Committee. Graduate of Oregon State University (Go Beavs!) with a BS in Fisheries
- Minutes from the Council meetings
- Fillable Financial Disclosure Form
- A listing of Council Terms of Office
- Statement of Organization Practices and Procedures (Council SOPPs, Approved April 2023)
- Regional Operating Agreement (Revised October 2016)
- Joint Protocol Operating Agreement between NPFMC and State of Alaska Board of Fisheries (December 2009)