NPFMC has developed several different materials for the variety of people who want a voice in fisheries management issues. We have information designed for those unfamiliar with fisheries management, as well as those who are already involved in the process and can help guide you through a formal Council meeting or to get involved in management issues when there is no time to attend Council meetings. While the process itself can seem daunting, the Council is making efforts to be more accessible and provide overview documents that are more conversational in tone, like the printable handouts below. For more information, please contact our office, or speak with Diana Evans.

What Happens at Council Meetings
The Council, SSC, and AP meet to hear reports, take public testimony, deliberate, and make recommendations or take action.

Get Involved in the Process
As a member of the public, you can be involved by attending a meeting, giving input, or even applying for a seat on a committee or advisory group.

Idea to Implementation
The National Marine Fisheries Service prepares regulation based on council action after an idea goes through many steps and much review.

What We Do
The Council is required to balance conservation, economic, and social concerns for managing sustainable fisheries to the greatest benefit for the nation. They meet 5 times per year.

Decision Makers
Fifteen members are on the Council including private citizens with fishery and marine knowledge, principal officials to represent Alaska, Oregon, and Washington, and 4 members to represent government agencies.

Navigating NPFMC
This publication can help guide new fisherman to the Council process.