SSC Members
L to R : Jason Gasper, Robert Foy, Patrick Sullivan, Curry Cunningham, Michael Jepson (former) , Kailin Kroetz, Mike Downs, Chris Siddon, Brad Harris, Andrew Munro, Franz Mueter, Ali Whitman, Amy Bishop, Sherri Dressel, Chris Anderson, Robert Suryan, Ian Stewart, Martin Dorn.
Not Pictured: Dana Hanselman, Kat Meyer, Jennifer Burns, & Sarah Wise
The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) is composed of leading scientists in biology, economics, statistics, and social science. The SSC advises the Council on scientific and other technical matters. SSC members serve one-year terms (January 1 through December 31) with no term limits. Members may be reappointed or replaced by the Council annually at their December Council meeting.
Contact the Scientific and Statistical Committee Members
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following information is provided as a public service and is intended for general communication purposes. If you wish to submit comments on an Agenda item to be made available to the Council family as part of the record, they must be submitted at meetings.npfmc.org and must be received by the deadline date noticed in that meeting’s agenda.