In October 2000, North Pacific Fishery Management Council adopted a subsistence halibut program that recognizes the Alaska subsistence halibut fishery. This program was approved by the Secretary of Commerce and regulations that carry out this program have been in effect since May 15, 2003. Amendments to the subsistence program were made through changes to the initial regulations in May 2005 and October 2008. The regulations that govern the subsistence halibut fishery can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR Part 300.
- Overview (Small Entity Compliance Guide)
How to Fish for Subsistence Halibut
Before fishing under the subsistence halibut regulations, eligible fishermen must obtain a Subsistence Halibut Registration Certificate (SHARC). Special permits for community harvest, ceremonial, and educational purposes also are available to qualified Alaska communities and Alaska Native Tribes. Permit holders must comply with SHARC registration and reporting processes.
National Marine Fisheries Service information about Halibut Management
Staff contact is Kate Haapala: 907-271-2811.
Halibut Subsistence III
- 73 FR 72737, 12/1/08. Final rule to amend the subsistence fishery rules for members of an Alaska Native tribe eligible to harvest Pacific halibut. The action correctly defines the location of Village of Kanatak tribal headquarters and International Pacific Halibut Commission halibut regulatory area in which the tribe’s members may subsistence fish. Effective 12/31/08
- Council motion 12/04; RIR analysis 11/04; Proposed rule 4/08; Rural Definition Halibut Analysis 6/08; Halibut subsistence Council motion 6/08
Halibut Subsistence II
- 73 FR 62444, 10/21/08. Corrected final rule corrects the headings in two tables. Effective 10/24/08
- 73 FR 54932, 9/24/08. Final rule to amend the subsistence fishery rules for Pacific halibut to address subsistence halibut management concerns, particularly in densely populated areas in waters in and off Alaska. Effective 10/24/08
- EA/RIR analysis 11/01
Halibut Subsistence I
- 70 FR 41159, 7/18/05. Correction to the final rule amending the subsistence fishery rules for Pacific halibut in waters off Alaska. Effective 7/18/05
- Final rule 68 FR 18145, 4/15/03 to authorize and manage a subsistence fishery for Pacific halibut in waters in and off Alaska. Includes list of rural communities and federally recognized Alaska Native tribes. Effective 5/15/03
- Secretarial Approval Draft 1/03
- Rural places, Native tribes, and maps of designated non-subsistence areas, as defined by the Council for halibut subsistence purposes 8/02; Council motion on halibut subsistence 4/02