The Northern Bering Sea Research Area (NBSRA) was implemented in 2008, as part of Amendment 89 to the BSAI Groundfish FMP, and required the
development of a management plan to identify areas where nonpelagic trawl fishing would be allowed, pursuant to a scientific research plan. The Council requested that the Alaska Fishery Science Center (AFSC) design an adaptive management experiment in the closed northern area to study “the effects of
nonpelagic trawl gear in previously untrawled areas.”
In response to the Council’s request, the AFSC began developing a scientific research plan for the NBSRA to study the effects of bottom trawling on the benthic community to help with developing future protection measures in the NBSRA for crab, marine mammals, endangered species, and the subsistence
needs of western Alaska communities.
In June 2011, an update on the research plan was presented to the Council. The Council also heard considerable public testimony from tribes and members of communities adjacent to the NBSRA expressing concern about the research plan and the desire for more community engagement and inclusion in the development of a research plan. In response, the Council chose to suspend work on the research plan and noted that should future work be done, engagement with stakeholders and community participants would be included in the development of a research plan.
Staff contact is Diana Evans 907-271-2815.